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Clinical Supervision. 

It can sometimes feel like a lonely journey as a therapist, especially when we bump up against our own feelings (counter-transferences and triggers) that emerge from or even during sessions. 

My hope in supervision is to ensure that you as the therapist do not feel lonely on this journey; that you have tools in your own toolkit so that you feel equipped enough to best serve your clients.


Especially as a BIPOC therapist, there may be additional factors that we face and require a safe space to explore, reflect and be curious about these themes that occur and inevitably impact our work and presence.

I believe race and our cultural upbringing are interwoven into all of our relationships and interactions, making it one of the most important dialogues we as therapists must have. I attempt to bring this dialogue into supervision in order for therapist's to work with a safe and effective use of self during sessions and to ultimately ensure their client's are best supported.


Upon request or if it seems beneficial, I offer art-based approaches during supervision for Art Therapists.


  • A member in good standing with CRPO and a Registered Canadian Art Therapist with CATA

  • Over 5 years experience working with children, teens and adults in agency and private practice settings using psychotherapy and art therapy approaches

  • Over 1000 DCC hours and 150hrs of clinical supervision

  • Meet all of CRPO's requirements to provide clinical supervision in Ontario

  • Meet all of CATA's requirements to provide clinical art therapy supervision in Canada and Ontario


If you are a BIPOC therapist and resonate with my approach but wish to get to know me more, please contact me to have a 15 minute chat. Just like therapy or any other relationship, I'd want to ensure this feels right for you. 


In accordance with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario, it is the Registered Psychotherapist's responsibility to engage in regular and ongoing supervision in order to practice safe and effective use of self in therapy and to ensure the direction of therapy and therapeutic relationship best serves the needs of the client.

If you are a Qualifying therapist or a therapist working towards Independent Practice, it is a requirement from the CRPO to practice with clinical supervision. 

For more information on CRPO requirements, visit their website and read Standard Section 4: Clinical Supervision

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